And the beat goes on

And the beat goes on

Here in Cincinnati, we are still celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Vineyard movement. It’s been moving to hear the stories of our beginnings, the people who invested their all in this new stirring of the Holy Spirit, the new songs that gripped hearts and...
Lesson # 2,000 and something

Lesson # 2,000 and something

As John opens his telling of the Good News of Jesus, he simultaneously connects and separates the Old and New, the ‘what was,’ and the ‘what is.’ He deftly acknowledges Moses’ critical role in Jewish history while shining a spotlight on the Person and Mission of...
The Eye of the Beholder

The Eye of the Beholder

All aspects of Creation were declared by God to be good. But when man inhaled God’s breath for the very first time, God declared him to be very good. Those two words, ‘very good’ spoken by the Creator of the Universe weigh a tad more than, say, my declaration of ‘very...
Where did that come from?

Where did that come from?

I am an auditory learner. That is, I get information best simply by listening. The positive aspect of this is not needing a lot of other stimuli. One downside is that I don’t manage to take notes well. The other downside is that I forget more easily now than before,...