You wanna come along?

You wanna come along?

Think back to when you were a child, and your family made the trip to your grandparents’ house for Christmas. Or maybe a time when you went to a school reunion. Or maybe an annual event or conference that you were looking forward to. The trip itself wasn’t the main...
Anything new today?

Anything new today?

One of the advantages of being blissfully unaware of so many things is that every day is a revelation, sometimes of something momentous, sometimes of things of little consequence. Take for example, not long ago I was reading an article and happened to notice a detail...
An ending, or fresh beginning?

An ending, or fresh beginning?

I was the kid who loved the start of the school year. New everything – books, supplies, teachers, subjects (some of which were enjoyed while others were . . .) By high school, the sense of community with other students was a great shaping factor of my life. There was...
If you’re happy and you know it . . .

If you’re happy and you know it . . .

As I write on this American day of Thanksgiving, I’m painfully conscious of the irony of this holiday, this Holy Day! We spend massive amounts of money to celebrate it, for travel, for food, for decorations. It’s a time of family gatherings, joyous reunions, happy...
What step are we on?

What step are we on?

Evidence shows that Americans are captivated by makeovers, especially extreme makeovers. Whether it be weight loss, plastic surgery, classic cars, derelict houses or neighborhoods, there’s something satisfying in seeing the improvement. Some want to see the...