Speaking from the heart

Speaking from the heart

To Nicodemus, Jesus spoke an encoded message, pure Kingdom-speak which, to ears listening with world-speak filters in place, came across as ludicrous, impossible. As a matter of fact, it was that way to the Pharisees, too, and to the disciples, and to Martha and Mary,...
There’s Still More

There’s Still More

The small church that was like ‘home’ to me growing up had a concentrated emphasis on God’s Word, and made the goal of every message, to receive Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour (Canadian spelling). I still cherish the fondest memories of many, many times in...
There’s provision for that

There’s provision for that

This thought may occur right after a sumptuous B&B breakfast: “I won’t need to eat again today.” Or it may occur (with a slight groan) after an unusually copious restaurant lunch. It is somewhat embarrassing then, when in late afternoon, the search begins to find...
What’s for Lunch?

What’s for Lunch?

It was a salt & vinegar potato chip and it landed on the less than pristine picnic table, so I sweptit off into the nearby trees. Instantaneously, a ravenous flock of sparrows attacked, with theswiftest of them swooping up the prize and winging off, leaving the...