Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

In the fantasy musical, The Wizard of Oz, the title character hides behind a curtain and uses special sound and lighting effects to intimidate and impress his audiences. His hiding is also to cover up the fact that he is a small, pitiable man, unsure of himself and...
The Gift of Surrender

The Gift of Surrender

A Maundy Thursday scenario: It is a day of unparalleled heart heaviness for Jesus. He’s embraced his dearest friends, Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, weeping with them, for the final time. Re-entering Jerusalem, he’s greeted by a foreboding silence, the then-rejoicing,...
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

On a recent flight taking off from a snowy Calgary, Alberta, Canada, our airplane climbed to a staggering 35,000 feet – over 6.6 miles above the earth! Well above the snow-laden clouds, observing uninterrupted, pristine blue sky, it seemed impossible to go any...
Cardio with a Difference

Cardio with a Difference

I think Paul was jubilant that day. He held in his hand official orders from the High Priest, a search warrant to seek out and arrest everyone they found in Damascus who still professed to be a follower of that rabblerouser, Jesus of Nazareth, even though the man...
Hopeful Horizons

Hopeful Horizons

“When I grow up I’m going to be .  .  .” How many of us uttered those words, and how many of us are, today, what we dreamed of becoming then, when we were four or five years old? The daydreams of that age were far-reaching, if often unrealistic. Childhood idols were...