Before Abraham, Jesus

Before Abraham, Jesus

Think of birth announcements you’ve received. They read something like this: Timothy and Mackenzie are pleased to announce the arrival of Zander Boris, weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz., at 19 ½ inches long. Or maybe this: Ethan and Mallory are thrilled that Morgann Esther showed...
Marching upward to…

Marching upward to…

Very early in our marriage, shortly after our post-honeymoon arrival in France, a friend invited us to go for a walk with him. We eagerly accepted, thinking this would be a good way for Sue to get to know some of the folks I’d met the previous year. On Saturday...
Battery Charging Rapidly

Battery Charging Rapidly

Maybe it’s a sunset. Maybe it’s seeing a Humpback whale breaching alongside your tour boat. Maybe it’s the initial sight of a newborn baby. Maybe it’s an unexpected pair of tickets to that game. Maybe it’s the view from a mountain peak after an arduous ascent. Maybe...
Pants on fire

Pants on fire

A Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results. Of course, no reader of this note is insane. Of course not! Perish the thought! Who could even think such a thing? And yet, do we have a high tolerance level of...