A different kind of army

A different kind of army

It’s almost humorous the number of times it has to be repeated in Scripture. The phrase so often heard is: ‘Do not be afraid.’ One would have to conclude that the reason for this command is that the audience was, in fact, afraid.  Jesus says it to his...
What Love is This?

What Love is This?

2 million/year! Can you believe that? 2 million! That’s 2,000,000! We’re talking about weddings in the US. That’s 4 million people per year who, being in love, choose to spend the rest of their lives together. Many of these lovebirds include Scripture as part of their...
That’s Life!

That’s Life!

In a comic strip this week (yes, another one!) two young boys were waxing philosophical, recounting their summer, celebrating the amazing adventures they had had, the success of which were measured by the number of trips to the Emergency Room. In the final frame,...