Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

In the dark ages, before communications became instantaneous and ‘multiplicitous,’ curious things happened when a young man’s ‘fancy turned to love.’ Some were motivated to drive hundreds of miles on a Friday evening to see their beloved, only to make the return trip...
So Romantic

So Romantic

Ah, Valentine’s Day! Could any one 24-hour period be more deeply cherished and heartily despised? (doubtful). Commercializing it in a sea of red, pink, and white, businesses ramp up immediately after Christmas for a manic spending spree, depleting candy aisles,...
Didn’t See That Coming!

Didn’t See That Coming!

It is seen on the face of the competitor after scoring the winning goal in a championship game. It is expressed by an extrovert upon arriving at their surprise birthday party. It is shown in the unbidden tears on the cheeks of a bridegroom looking back and seeing his...
 May I Have the Envelope, Please?

 May I Have the Envelope, Please?

In a bygone era, one could receive a paper-and-envelope invitation, delivered by one’s mail carrier, directly into one’s mailbox (seriously, this was a thing). They would be for various occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers, wedding showers, weddings,...
Remember when?

Remember when?

Before words, it’s expressed through loud crying (very loud crying!), red faces and crocodile tears. When words emerge, it’s expressed more distinctly, but no less loudly: “MINE!” and later, in a few more words: “IT’S NOT FAIR!” These are the unpolished, vociferous...