Please take a seat

Please take a seat

N.B. Knowing that friends in Europe will be reading, and being confounded by parts of this note, highlights for me our American behavior, truly (amusingly?) unique in all the world. Several years ago, the first Krispy Kreme donut shop opened in Minneapolis, Minnesota....
Which one of these is not like the other?

Which one of these is not like the other?

In the northern climes of Scandinavia, it’s normal to have barely any winter sun rising above the horizon during the day, and barely any sun setting below the horizon all summer. In a desert climate, it’s normal to have extreme temperature swings from day to night. In...
Who is my Neighbor?

Who is my Neighbor?

We know the deal: the two-year-old fashionista declares her independence from parental interference, stating: “I do it myself!!” She later emerges from her room with a t-shirt on backwards, pants still (to her great frustration) unzipped, mis-matched socks, shoes on...