Meltdowns. We’ve all (likely) been guilty of foisting one or two of those screaming hissy fits (with alligator tears and foot stompings) on unhappy parents (followed up, if we’re old enough for this, with a corresponding corrective measure or two or three). Barring that, should we be among those precious few who were model children, we’ve most likely witnessed a few ear-splitting, monster-ish scenes reverberating through a shopping center somewhere (Isn’t it fascinating that such little people can sometimes produce the most painfully shrill screeches?). We often refer to the ‘terrible two’s’ but these unsavory happenings are, unfortunately, not restricted to that tender age group (If only!). With age, not to be confused with maturity, we learn to be duplicitous (another, less lovely, word for sophisticated), moving us further and further from God’s protection and plan for us. Becoming ‘get to’s’ (His plan) involves a long and steep learning curve for most of us.
God is the ultimate ‘get to.’ He thinks something like: I get to create my people. I get to show them my love. I get to draw men and women to one another in married love. I get to furnish them with beauty. I get to amaze them with nature and seasons and my universe – and their own offspring! I get to offer my Son to bridge the gaping abyss between us. I get to restore them to relationship with me. I get to cleanse them with my forgiveness every time they come to me. I get to experience fresh joy with every forgiveness offering. I get the pleasure of having them spend all eternity with me. I get to fill my photo albums with memories, bragging rights. I get to celebrate and shed happy tears at each of their successes, their victories. I get to see them join me in my Kingdom work!
A line from a worship song says, “You’re working for our good, and for Your glory.” I love that! Our good is his glory! His glory is our good! Our ‘good’ is this lifetime journey we’re on to becoming ‘get to’s’, reflecting God’s character, living in sync with His person, His will, being reintegrated with Him. Some of this journey may seem frightening, confusing, even sometimes too hard, but leaning in closer and closer allows us to see Him as He is, the Lover of our souls, remaining faithful to complete in us the work He’s begun. Speaking of God’s work in him, early in his own personal journey, one Vineyard pastor said: “When I was young, I had a drug problem. My parents drug me to church every Sunday morning and every Sunday night.” And as one of my professors would say: “It hurts so good!” How’s your journey so far? PD