July 22, 2018

Spirit Energized Activists: Mapping Our Next Steps

Passage: Matthew 25:41-46, Galations 2:10, Galations 3:27-28, Acts 2:8-11, Matthew 18:1-6, Matthew 18:10, James 1:27
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Bible Text: Matthew 25:41-46, Galations 2:10, Galations 3:27-28, Acts 2:8-11, Matthew 18:1-6, Matthew 18:10, James 1:27 | Preacher: Keith Caughlin | Series: Spirit Energized Activists

Keith reviews the Vineyard core values as they relate to ministry in these areas: Poverty (Matthew 25:41-46, Galations 2:10), race (Galatians 3:27-28, Acts 2:8-11), and Children (Matthew 18:1-6 & 10, James 1:27).

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