The SONG: John Heard It
“You never know what a day will bring.” Nothing could have had a truer ring to it than it had for a young, Jewish fisherman, diligently at work at the shore with his father and a group of close friends and fishing partners the day Jesus strolled up and began talking to them! Seemingly with the greatest economy of words, Jesus walked away with an enlarged band of smitten followers, John being among them. The next three years would be made up of the most unusual, frightening, baffling, exhilarating, crushing, amazing experiences he would have thought possible. Each day of John’s journey with Jesus included teachings and developments that forged a love relationship with his Master, perpetually staggering his imagination. The following sixty years would serve to expand that brother-to-brother friendship in unprecedented ways. John surely heard, and knew, the Song.
1. Mark 9:1-10 – Seeing Jesus’ ______________________________
2. Mark 10:33-45 – Receiving a lesson in ___________________________
3. Luke 8:40-42, 49-52 – Watching Kingdom mastery ___________________________
4. 1 John 4:7-21– Singing __________________________