Kingdom Love
January 14, 2024

Kingdom Love

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Charles Wesley, struggling to put it into words, wrote: ‘Love divine, all loves excelling.’ Jesus’ family and his Nazareth neighbors, too, must have been in awe of this character trait as Jesus grew up in their midst. The disciples, traveling with him throughout his public ministry, had a front row seat to watch it in action, not to mention their own repeated, life-upending, encounters with it. And the great cloud of witnesses written about in the letter to the Hebrews, what were they witnesses to, if not a love so immense it left them at a loss for words and a death-triumphant faith? And the Church, over the past 2000 years, she, too, is witness to its invigorating, no-turning-back, presence.

Luke 7:36-50
1. vv. 36, 39, 43-47 – Skeptical host _________________________________________

2. vv. 40-42 – Graciously forgiven __________________________________________

3. vv. 37,38, 48-50 – Worshipful, forgiven __________________________________

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