A ‘Jesus is More’ Primer for 2022
More than a baby. More than a redeemer. More than a friend. More than a suffering servant. More. Always more. Always beyond. Always intimate. Always ridiculously, unwaveringly, unstoppably, in love with us. This is the One Who invites us to close all competing ‘programs’ and reset to a sole soul focus – Him. He knows our journal entries of the upcoming twelve months. He sees the news headlines through midnight, December 31, 2022. He sees the victories and the tragedies, the births and the deaths, the breakthroughs and the devastations. In and through it all he is unshaken and unshakable. And he is powerfully and majestically for us. Who Jesus is, all that he says he is, all that the entirety of Scripture confirms he is, is ours: our provision, our wisdom, our peace. And so much – more.