Global Newsflash: Jesus has overcome the world. That’s right. Just as he promised, he has bested all
efforts of evil and reigns supreme forever at the right hand of the Father. The open secret is that, in him,
we, too, overcome the world and its systems and its schemes. We persevere, knowing that trials and
troubles are not (and never will be) the final word. As his children, we experience what he experienced,
with the same results – victory! The process is often messy and painful and distressing and confusing,
but like any project which includes the creation of something, there is a time when it looks chaotic and
doubtful with parts and tools and bits and pieces, it seems, strewn everywhere (like our kitchen when I
make a dessert). But the end-product, when the clean-up is done, wipes away all the questioning,
replacing it with the satisfaction of a job well done. Jesus has guaranteed the outcome of this race, once
for all.
This is, perhaps, astonishing to read, but having just returned from a Vineyard Missions Conference,
with about 140 dedicated world changers, I can say, confidently, there is a great deal of Kingdom
success giving renewed hope and much joy to many thousands of people around the globe, and in the
most unlikely environments. In places where terrible turmoil exists, there is assurance of God’s
presence. In places of persecution and complete prohibition of the Gospel, there continues to be a
groundswell of irrepressible new life. In places where only tragedy gets reported, followers of Jesus are
busily at work, quietly serving the needy and being the light of the world. Unsung heroes are literally
everywhere. Their stories may never make world headlines but they are certainly celebrated in heaven,
where moth and rust do not corrupt and where thieves do not break in and steal.
In our own lives, too, in the seasons when we see anything but wins, there is a Presence, a still small
Voice, a Comforter, constantly leading, guiding, assuring, inviting, equipping. Scripture tells us that, in
Him, there is not even a shadow of turning, not one iota of forgetfulness, of neglect. That’s what makes
the Apostle John exclaim, in one of his epistles: What great Salvation! We are His beloved, his fellow
heirs, his redeemed ones. As we remember to fix our eyes on him, the One who has gone before us, we
experience the heartwarming of his accompanying us, and the joy of his friendship. When all ‘feels’ dark,
Scripture also declares that even darkness is light to Him. That’s our Jesus! That’s our friend.
ps It’s good to be home, y’all! PD