A Gift that Fits Every Time

A Gift that Fits Every Time

Just imagine how many things we regret and worry over in a lifetime! Things we did which we shouldn’t have done, things we didn’t do which we should have done. Things we said which we shouldn’t have said, things we didn’t say which we should have said. Rumors we fell...
At Ease!

At Ease!

Ah, the branta canadensis (also known as the Canada goose)! Although migratory, the weather and the plants of Virginia seem to suit them so well, they’ve largely decided to take up permanent residence. Two areas where their homesteading is unappreciated are golf...
The Present as Present

The Present as Present

It’s what’s after the big move, with the boxing and planning and repairing and cleaning and shuffling and decluttering and staging and coping with an ever-emptying house and ever-disappearing essentials (but once that box is taped shut, ain’t nobody opening it). It’s...