No thing impossible!

No thing impossible!

As it turns out, our shaming experiences and the ensuing load of debilitating shame we carry is not something we are destined to schlep around with us for the rest of our days. Au contraire! Even in our most painful failures and humiliations God works ‘all’ things for...
The Answer Within 

The Answer Within 

I find that the rate of upgrades and updates of new generations of technology and the absorption of same is in inverse proportion to one’s age. A friend’s new vehicle has a centrally located touch screen which controls everything from the heat and AC to the radio, the...
Which way is up?

Which way is up?

It’s been said that experience is the best teacher. A co-worker once remarked with jaundiced signature, “It should be! It costs plenty!” I agree that the learning from some of life’s lessons has a hefty, by times painful, by times humbling, ‘price tag’ attached. One...