What Love is This?

What Love is This?

2 million/year! Can you believe that? 2 million! That’s 2,000,000! We’re talking about weddings in the US. That’s 4 million people per year who, being in love, choose to spend the rest of their lives together. Many of these lovebirds include Scripture as part of their...
The Gift of Surrender

The Gift of Surrender

A Maundy Thursday scenario: It is a day of unparalleled heart heaviness for Jesus. He’s embraced his dearest friends, Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, weeping with them, for the final time. Re-entering Jerusalem, he’s greeted by a foreboding silence, the then-rejoicing,...
The Week’s Synopsis

The Week’s Synopsis

It’s known throughout Christendom as Holy Week, with many branches of the church holding daily services to mark the final days of our Redeemer’s life on earth. To Jesus, though, it is Finals Week. The final visit to the temple has been made with chaos reigning and...
God Does Windows!

God Does Windows!

Talk about things hidden in plain sight! There it was! As the sun tilted its way across the western sky, it was pouring golden light through the full-length living room window. How many times it had done this without notice I’ve not calculated, but on this fateful...
On to victory!

On to victory!

“It’s just a game.” Those were the words meant to reassure me on the rare occasion when I was being reluctantly recruited to play neighborhood baseball (they were extremely rare and you will soon enough understand the reason). I quickly experienced the sharp pain of...