It’s a Wonderful Life

It’s a Wonderful Life

Maybe you, like me, can reflect on some past circumstances which felt so crushing as to be beyond survival. And maybe you, like me, can now look back in wonderment at how, indeed, we did survive and perhaps even prosper, despite the ‘end-of-life’ rocky stretch. And...
Thanksgiving Edition

Thanksgiving Edition

 What I’ve learned so far .  .  . Being born in a blue-collar family in a small, out-of-the-way town doesn’t squelch God’s interest. Being a bookish/dreamer/romantic in a family of nose-to-the-grindstone, get ‘er done pragmatists doesn’t disqualify or...


Like tripping over the dog’s chewie toy in the dark, like falling off a log, like skittering drunkenly across the ice, it’s so easy to not be thankful: The glass is half-empty. It always rains on my parade. There was only decaf this morning. The AC isn’t working....