Time to play! Wanna come?

Time to play! Wanna come?

Do you remember? As a child, the world of make believe was a glorious place where anything was possible, anything you’d seen or heard could become something totally different at your mind’s command, to suit your latest dream or idea. Sticks or rocks or old blankets or...
Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Parenting, by definition, knows times of heightened anxiety. Any time a child is rushed to the hospital. The first time a teenager is allowed to stay home alone for the weekend. When the time comes to become a driving instructor. When the school principal calls in the...
Above All Names

Above All Names

If you speak prophetically (and accurately) about your own death, as well as your resurrection, are you worthy to be trusted? If you repeatedly exhibit God’s miraculous powers over a span of three and a half years, are you worthy to be trusted? If, as you are dying by...
A Plan Comes Together

A Plan Comes Together

War and Peace (1225 pages), Atlas Shrugged (1168 pages), Trinity (800 pages), Ulysses (735 pages). These tomes find their place among the world’s longest books written. One doesn’t undertake their reading lightly. They are not stories to tackle while pre-occupied. The...
Waiting Up Till all the Kids Come Home

Waiting Up Till all the Kids Come Home

It was an outrageous, humiliating request. The younger son of a wealthy farmer comes, flouting all respectful tradition, and petitions for his portion of the family estate now, rather than waiting after the death of his father. Chagrined, but motivated by tender love,...