The garden life

The garden life

You’ll need a vivid imagination for this but try to picture the life of Adam and Eve pre-serpent, pre-tree, pre-fruit, pre-catastrophe. No discord, no disagreements, no misunderstandings, only happy, rich, marital bliss, God-style. Take another minute to fully let the...
Home, Sweet Home

Home, Sweet Home

At the heart of every family, unseen by outsiders, there are, um, quirky dynamics. The similarities and distinctives lived out there make for some interesting storytelling. And it must be said that those dwelling there are not likely to notice how unique their story...
What’s love got to do with it?

What’s love got to do with it?

It is a great kindness to us as followers of Jesus, to have Scripture available to us. And not only in our language, but in multiple translations, all attempting to bring out the richness of the text that we might better see God’s love shining through. This abundance...
A perspective on victory

A perspective on victory

In our readings of God’s Word, we encounter some incredible people. They were people who grew to understand God and his ways, their relationship with him becoming more and more solid with each ‘rite of passage’ spiritually speaking. They were people who knew what it...
Discipleship then and now

Discipleship then and now

Today’s world is a marvel. You can work remotely, and even get married remotely! You can earn a college degree without ever getting dressed or leaving your bedroom or dealing with a fellow student or being face to face with a professor! Banking is done remotely. Bills...