The adventure of the next 360

The adventure of the next 360

Here’s one of my many thoughts in these first days of January. I think it’s cool enough to share (feel free to let me know what you think). You know how, in 1 Peter, he exhorts his readers to be “well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil,...
Jesus Rules!

Jesus Rules!

To be sure, there are bumper stickers to suit every taste, and Sunday, on our way home from lunch after church, we saw a new one which read: ‘Cool! This calls for a spreadsheet!’ One instantly wonders about the person who chose it. While I might surmise we have little...
All for Joy

All for Joy

I love art in all its forms! I love looking at it, listening to it, reading it, smelling it, tasting it – especially tasting it! Those who create beauty are heroes. They add so much richness to our lives. We search for words and ways to express our gratitude for what...
Dare We?

Dare We?

We celebrate a long list of people acclaimed for their achievements: Olympic athletes excelling at their sport, college and professional athletes winning tournaments, arts and entertainment stars ‘owning’ the red carpet, scientists hailing breakthroughs in all...