The Road Back

The Road Back

The most prominent characteristic of our God is total, endless, irrepressible joy. He expressed that joy in all aspects of Creation, the capstone of which is mankind whom He created in His image, that image of total, endless, irrepressible joy. He placed Adam in Eden,...
Crossing Borders

Crossing Borders

Your mindset, on arriving in a foreign country for a two- or three-week vacation, is lighthearted, happy, expectant of adventures. Your brush with the culture will just skim the top, with a few awkward, tourist-type gaffes. If you attempt the language, it is...
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

On a recent flight taking off from a snowy Calgary, Alberta, Canada, our airplane climbed to a staggering 35,000 feet – over 6.6 miles above the earth! Well above the snow-laden clouds, observing uninterrupted, pristine blue sky, it seemed impossible to go any...
One word at a time

One word at a time

How fond are you of statistics? For me, after two or three pie charts or percentages, my head starts spinning and the numbers blur. So, just one set for today: ‘How many words are there in the English language?’ According to one source, there are more than a million...
Not the bench press type

Not the bench press type

It was just a quippy puzzle in a newspaper, but a voice, familiar and non-judgmental, challenged me to take a closer look at my solved riddle. It read something like this: ‘What do you call people with great power who are too lazy to do anything with it?’ The answer:...