by Don Freeman | Oct 15, 2024 | Devotional
I’m in awe! I’ve begun tutoring an adult student who recently arrived in the US from a war-battered country. He wants to learn English (well, American)! From scratch! But not only is it a new language he needs to acquire, but a new alphabet to decipher for reading and...
by Don Freeman | Oct 12, 2024 | Devotional
No actual words spoken by Saul the Pharisee are written down. However, as a crème de la crème Pharisee, all that was spoken by his elite religious cronies could well have been his own words. Certainly, their attitude of shock and disdain at all that was seen and heard...
by Don Freeman | Jul 25, 2023 | Devotional
It’s clear. There’s no use denying it any longer. At my house I am a Pharisee. True confession. I prefer and prioritize order and neatness and breathable-ness. All external. All the things that are pleasing to the eye (well, my eye at least), but not needed for...