Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Parenting, by definition, knows times of heightened anxiety. Any time a child is rushed to the hospital. The first time a teenager is allowed to stay home alone for the weekend. When the time comes to become a driving instructor. When the school principal calls in the...
Today’s the Day!

Today’s the Day!

Life gets shaped by milestones, those events or passages which bring significant and permanent change to bear. Some at the top of the list may be high school graduation, getting a driver’s license, finishing higher education, getting married, having that first baby,...
The Source of Bounding Joy

The Source of Bounding Joy

By four years of age, children have absorbed millions of bits of information telling them about the world and their place in it. Dr. James Dobson, of ‘Focus on the Family,’ has stated that children are the best receivers of information and the worst interpreters of...
A Long, Winding Road

A Long, Winding Road

Pentecost initiated the church itself, but also the dynamic of the in-dwelling Holy Spirit in the life of each believer in Jesus. The implication was that all the power and glory of the Kingdom of Heaven had taken up permanent residence in individual hearts, however...
From the victors’ side

From the victors’ side

Once, following a particularly well-advertised, Spirit-led renewal in Texas, friends sent VHS tapes of a baptism service. Yes, baptisms. These were unlike many you may have seen. The candidates were plunged into the water as usual, but it was then that these tapes...