A different kind of army

A different kind of army

It’s almost humorous the number of times it has to be repeated in Scripture. The phrase so often heard is: ‘Do not be afraid.’ One would have to conclude that the reason for this command is that the audience was, in fact, afraid.  Jesus says it to his...
To run, to stretch, to laugh

To run, to stretch, to laugh

And on that day when my strength is failing The end draws near and my time has come Still my soul will sing your praise unending 10,000 years and then forevermore. From ‘10,000 Reasons’ by Matt Redman For children of my era, miracles happened on a daily basis. We...
First things first

First things first

When, for instance: you read your doctor’s medical report, you receive a legal document in the mail, you read your mechanic’s account of your vehicle’s status, your geek friend explains why that thing just happened to your computer, you get an urgent message from your...
A Gift that Fits Every Time

A Gift that Fits Every Time

Just imagine how many things we regret and worry over in a lifetime! Things we did which we shouldn’t have done, things we didn’t do which we should have done. Things we said which we shouldn’t have said, things we didn’t say which we should have said. Rumors we fell...
Way better than good!

Way better than good!

Our society is in a season of weeping and wailing and gnashing its teeth at God. He’s mightily fallen out of favor because of His perfection, His ownership of absolute truth, His being so audacious as to declare that even His love is irreproachable! Wiggle room? Nope....