Balloons? Streamers? Chocolate?

Balloons? Streamers? Chocolate?

Asking any sports fan about his/her favorite team, you would hear more stats than were of the thinnest interest, each player’s plays, their strengths, their scoring totals .  .  . But, do they know these athletes? They’ve likely never met, but there’s a...
The Root of Jesse

The Root of Jesse

To one group, the word evokes feelings of warm, loving, belonging with safety, abundance, and cherished family that, even in adulthood, have the lasting power to wrap themselves around one’s heart like a warm and cozy blanket. To a second group, the word conjures...
Artisan at Work

Artisan at Work

Parenting is a quiet, unassuming word  – at first glance! It is, more accurately, an umbrella term for way-more-than-a full-time job. It includes, but is not limited to, loving, feeding, bathing, holding, rocking (essential), nursing when children are sick...
Look Again?!

Look Again?!

How strange! Jesus never knew Monday morning blues. He never said TGIF (unless it was with the true gratitude he had for every day of the week). He never had an ego trip. He was never stuck in a rut. He was never bored. He was never lost in confusion. He never...
Twelve is a Whole Number

Twelve is a Whole Number

IMAGINE: your domain is in Fine Art painting, and you set yourself a goal of creating, day by day, month by month, a visual depiction of your year, 2023. You set up an easel by the window in your studio, put your blank canvas in place, assemble the paints, and wait...