Seek and you will find

Seek and you will find

It’s the as-yet-unpacked box, long forgotten in the attic or the garage or the basement or on the top shelf of the closet or under a bed. It’s the invisibly present thing in the room, like what’s been supporting the bedside lamp. If you’ve ever moved house in...
To God be the Glory

To God be the Glory

Across Protestantism, there is a vast range of instructions given to new believers. Some of these ‘inductees’ are told: You must speak in tongues or you are not born again You simply pray a sinner’s prayer and you are set for eternity You must be baptized by immersion...
Marching upward to…

Marching upward to…

Very early in our marriage, shortly after our post-honeymoon arrival in France, a friend invited us to go for a walk with him. We eagerly accepted, thinking this would be a good way for Sue to get to know some of the folks I’d met the previous year. On Saturday...
Just Words?

Just Words?

Raise your hand if you read all the way through the 50 pages of conditions and excuses before clicking the little boxed ‘x’ on the screen. Ditto, if you understand the pharmaceutical ad on TV when the announcer rattles off the 600-word essay in a blistering 8 seconds....
With Our Minds Stayed on Jesus

With Our Minds Stayed on Jesus

As we glide into port on this ultimate day of 2022, it is quite possible that our souls, like the hulls of ships, have gotten heavily barnacled, and need to be freed up. A quick dip into this topic explains that these tiny crustaceans attach themselves by secreting a...