Living and Functioning and Having our identity

Living and Functioning and Having our identity

We are eternal beings living lives boundaried by time. Our souls know only eternity. Our minds know only 24 hours per day. Our bodies submit to the arc of birth, childhood, adulthood, death. We are, nonetheless, eternal beings filled with bounding hope. Jesus referred...
Discipleship then and now

Discipleship then and now

Today’s world is a marvel. You can work remotely, and even get married remotely! You can earn a college degree without ever getting dressed or leaving your bedroom or dealing with a fellow student or being face to face with a professor! Banking is done remotely. Bills...
1+2+3 = not enough yet

1+2+3 = not enough yet

Three blind mice explore an elephant: One, on the elephant’s ear, described the animal as being floppy, like a sheet swaying in the wind, sometimes gently, sometimes with great violence. A second, exploring the trunk, described the elephant as a great long tube,...
We can do this

We can do this

We are, indeed, a peculiar people. We take smug, devilish delight in creating stereotypes of all sorts of persons in positions of authority, typically casting them in gloom, if not some level of horror: the Boss, always demanding, but with a condescending smile; the...
The Christian Life – 101

The Christian Life – 101

People often bemoan the seeming disappearance of handymen, trades people, artisans, true craftsmen, etc. For my part, not meaning to boast, but I, with my skill set, do my utmost to keep them afloat (if the invoices for said valuable persons are any indication). If an...