It’s only just begun!

It’s only just begun!

Christmas began yesterday, (the first of twelve days leading up to Epiphany on January 6). And did you notice? All but essential services were closed. Parking lots empty, roadways all but vacant. Even the clamoring chaos of the stock exchange – silent. Jesus’...
A brief moment in time

A brief moment in time

Christmas Eve. The final 24 hours before Mary’s body was sent into labor to give birth to a startling, reality-confounding truth that would hold from that moment forevermore. Over 2,000 years ago and mankind has still to comprehend that truth, to receive it, to be...
The Presence as gift 

The Presence as gift 

Hope of all hopes, dream of our dreams, a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift. And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great. The power of leadership, and the weight of authority, will rest on his shoulders. His name?...
Living a dream?

Living a dream?

Isn’t dreaming just the greatest? It’s limitless what our brain can spin as a tale in our sleep. We can fly, build (anything!), be movie stars, famous musicians, scholars, sleuths extraordinaire, and on and on. The sense of reality during one such session is amazing!...
Christian Living 101

Christian Living 101

I recently had occasion to be assistant in an Intro Computer Class. There were nine students confronting three simultaneous obstacles: non-English speaking, unfamiliar with a keyboard, and unfamiliar with computer usage/lingo. The ninety-minute class went quickly...