That’s a Plan!

That’s a Plan!

“God . . .  has planted eternity in the human heart,  . . .” (Eccles. 3:11, NLT). Not jealousy, not anger, not frustration, not sloth, but eternity! Eternity, then, is the heart’s true home. So, maybe babies are born with an ‘eternity knowing’ but without...
Our Resurrection Too

Our Resurrection Too

How would you have described your reaction, had you been present when the resurrected Jesus first passed through the wall of the room where you were hiding? Terrified? Surprised? Shocked? Have many times would you come to repeat that story to others in the coming...
To run, to stretch, to laugh

To run, to stretch, to laugh

And on that day when my strength is failing The end draws near and my time has come Still my soul will sing your praise unending 10,000 years and then forevermore. From ‘10,000 Reasons’ by Matt Redman For children of my era, miracles happened on a daily basis. We...
Getting our Souls in Sync

Getting our Souls in Sync

I’ve heard non-morning people quip: “I wasn’t aware there was a 9 AM.” These folks don’t cheerily welcome the dawn. Their metabolism doesn’t even have a gear to engage until well after a hot shower and a jolt of caffeine. Some must be approached warily to judge their...
That’s a Plan!

What a day of rejoicing today will be!

When you go to the funeral of a Christian, there’s solid joy in knowing they are with Jesus, currentlyenjoying all the riches that are promised in His presence. There are lots of stories, some funny (atyesterday’s service here in Kansas for our good friend, Jim Brown,...