War and Peace

War and Peace

The human body, by design, is a happily-running, perfectly-oiled, machine. It is not innate in its creation to bear the multi-faceted burden of sin and death. Those two things alone place terrible stress on each of a body’s functions. When serious conflict, be it...
Oh, and one more thing

Oh, and one more thing

Picture this possible scene in an upper bedroom in Capernaum, in the house of the royal official who made the journey to Cana to implore Jesus to come heal his son: It’s been almost three days since the child has been awake. His breathing is so shallow as to be...
Not their weapons!

Not their weapons!

Wars, both past and present, have employed it, or at least convened to discuss it. The ‘it’ I’m referring to is a ceasefire. I’d like to propose, to all who are currently ‘firing,’ that we engage in a 24-hour ceasefire. The ‘firing’ I’m thinking of is the unusual...
No more rehearsing and nursing a part

No more rehearsing and nursing a part

Jesus has now returned to his Father. The disciples are experiencing power outbreaks of the Kingdom. In particular, where we pick up this story, they’ve just brought healing to a man who’s been paralyzed since his birth over 40 years ago. As you read this Bible story,...
I Love to Tell the Story

I Love to Tell the Story

There was a liar. Then, a cheat, an adulterer, a foreigner, a prostitute, a rebel, a blasphemer, a braggart . . . This is the line-up of Jesus’ ancestors. A motley bunch to say the least! More, these sparkling examples of society’s finest were God-seen, God-loved,...