A different kind of army

A different kind of army

It’s almost humorous the number of times it has to be repeated in Scripture. The phrase so often heard is: ‘Do not be afraid.’ One would have to conclude that the reason for this command is that the audience was, in fact, afraid.  Jesus says it to his...
Our Proper Response

Our Proper Response

It was exciting! I’d been accepted in a Master’s Program of Counseling, something I’d long dreamt of doing. So, after graduating with my Bachelor’s Degree, and visiting with friends along the way, I was only slightly jarred by the experience at the border crossing...
Battery Charging Rapidly

Battery Charging Rapidly

Maybe it’s a sunset. Maybe it’s seeing a Humpback whale breaching alongside your tour boat. Maybe it’s the initial sight of a newborn baby. Maybe it’s an unexpected pair of tickets to that game. Maybe it’s the view from a mountain peak after an arduous ascent. Maybe...
Thanksgiving Edition

Thanksgiving Edition

 What I’ve learned so far .  .  . Being born in a blue-collar family in a small, out-of-the-way town doesn’t squelch God’s interest. Being a bookish/dreamer/romantic in a family of nose-to-the-grindstone, get ‘er done pragmatists doesn’t disqualify or...