A perspective on victory

A perspective on victory

In our readings of God’s Word, we encounter some incredible people. They were people who grew to understand God and his ways, their relationship with him becoming more and more solid with each ‘rite of passage’ spiritually speaking. They were people who knew what it...
The New Year in Review

The New Year in Review

It’s inspiring to spend time with someone focused on a big goal. A big goal quietly excludes many lesser ones. Bodybuilders avoid empty carbs. Solo musicians carve out large chunks of time daily for practice. Olympic athletes likewise devote massive amounts of...
Sign Here

Sign Here

My mother is remembered for her many folksy expressions, sometimes offering creative new additions to the dictionary. One of these is in response to the question: ‘Would you like any more to eat?’ –  to which she would respond: “No thanks. I’m sufficiently...
Feet up, no agenda

Feet up, no agenda

We live in a world moving not just at high speed, but at top speed, and which is ever pushing those boundaries. We jet to the four corners of the earth. We now demand live, global reporting. Five minutes ago is ancient history. Fast food outlets must produce their...
Calendars open

Calendars open

Our Western culture applauds people: who have crazy busy schedules, who multitask (even when behind the wheel in traffic), who frantically race from one commitment to another, who ‘never sleep,’ who proudly confess, ‘My hair’s on fire.’ These caffeine-wired...