A win by proxy

A win by proxy

Young people wanting a military career, those training to be Olympic athletes, those choosing to become medical doctors, all know that there will be grueling times ahead of them before achieving their dream. That isn’t a secret. So, what is it that makes them so...
Time to play! Wanna come?

Time to play! Wanna come?

Do you remember? As a child, the world of make believe was a glorious place where anything was possible, anything you’d seen or heard could become something totally different at your mind’s command, to suit your latest dream or idea. Sticks or rocks or old blankets or...
The Source of Bounding Joy

The Source of Bounding Joy

By four years of age, children have absorbed millions of bits of information telling them about the world and their place in it. Dr. James Dobson, of ‘Focus on the Family,’ has stated that children are the best receivers of information and the worst interpreters of...
From the victors’ side

From the victors’ side

Once, following a particularly well-advertised, Spirit-led renewal in Texas, friends sent VHS tapes of a baptism service. Yes, baptisms. These were unlike many you may have seen. The candidates were plunged into the water as usual, but it was then that these tapes...
Six days and counting

Six days and counting

Children wait with great impatient thrill for Christmas Day. Four days ahead, they are feverishly counting down, and fidgeting – just 3 more sleeps, says Mom. Four days ahead of the wedding, the bride- and groom-to-be await that momentous, life-changing ceremony with...