Beyond first glance

Beyond first glance

“In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28, NIV. Intriguing statement, don’t you think? Besides good lyrics for a song, what are we to understand from it? What was Luke’s intent in writing this? Had he come to understand something of critical...
Discipleship then and now

Discipleship then and now

Today’s world is a marvel. You can work remotely, and even get married remotely! You can earn a college degree without ever getting dressed or leaving your bedroom or dealing with a fellow student or being face to face with a professor! Banking is done remotely. Bills...
A Bible Study That Wasn’t

A Bible Study That Wasn’t

(continued from Tuesday’s note)   Did I mention that I was totally in the dark concerning the details of this evening in early March? Did I also happen to mention that the instant I was going through the front doors of the castle, I was struggling big time against the...
Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

It’s a phenomenon newcomer – screen/non-screen persons. When communicating exclusively via screen, in our minds we ‘create’ these on-screen images as flesh and blood individuals. After weeks/months/years of these gatherings, that image is clear (to us), though...
Praise for Unscheduled Meetings

Praise for Unscheduled Meetings

In Bible School, it was strongly recommended (read: mandated) that each student have ‘morning devotionals,’ which were meant as ‘daily time with God.’ This was presented as a universal requirement for all serious, committed Christians. Unfortunately, student life...