Anything new today?

Anything new today?

One of the advantages of being blissfully unaware of so many things is that every day is a revelation, sometimes of something momentous, sometimes of things of little consequence. Take for example, not long ago I was reading an article and happened to notice a detail...
The Father’s Love Notes?

The Father’s Love Notes?

I’ll confess it’s probably as a septuagenarian that I make this observation, but I think our current dearth of handwritten notes is a telling sign of the disintegration occurring in our society largely as a result of the now ubiquitous, but mis-named phenomenon,...
A story being told

A story being told

Hype gets old fast. Listening to it is nerve-grating, scream-inducing, mind-numbing.  I think Mark Twain said it best: ‘There’s nothing worse than somebody else’s good time.’ And yet, who can always avoid being the source of hype after experiencing something...
Another ordinary day?

Another ordinary day?

As we follow the journeys of the disciples as they follow Jesus, we realize quickly we are much like them. Like them, we live in physical bodies in a physical world. We know how things operate, how to make our way in the world (more or less), how to interact with...
You’ve got mail!

You’ve got mail!

Here’s what we know: we are the Body of Christ, we are separated from our old life through our baptism into Jesus, and raised up to a New Life, everything old is no more and all things have been made new, Jesus was God in the flesh, the Divine on earth among men...