Time to play! Wanna come?

Time to play! Wanna come?

Do you remember? As a child, the world of make believe was a glorious place where anything was possible, anything you’d seen or heard could become something totally different at your mind’s command, to suit your latest dream or idea. Sticks or rocks or old blankets or...
Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Hot fudge sundae for breakfast?

Parenting, by definition, knows times of heightened anxiety. Any time a child is rushed to the hospital. The first time a teenager is allowed to stay home alone for the weekend. When the time comes to become a driving instructor. When the school principal calls in the...
Living and Functioning and Having our identity

Living and Functioning and Having our identity

We are eternal beings living lives boundaried by time. Our souls know only eternity. Our minds know only 24 hours per day. Our bodies submit to the arc of birth, childhood, adulthood, death. We are, nonetheless, eternal beings filled with bounding hope. Jesus referred...
Today’s the Day!

Today’s the Day!

Life gets shaped by milestones, those events or passages which bring significant and permanent change to bear. Some at the top of the list may be high school graduation, getting a driver’s license, finishing higher education, getting married, having that first baby,...
Old, but always new

Old, but always new

Did you know? In California, it is illegal for women drivers to be wearing their housecoats; there is to be no moth hunting under streetlamps; no wearing of cowboy boots is allowed unless you own cows? And in Texas, if you sit on a sidewalk, you will be fined, or for...