A different kind of army

A different kind of army

It’s almost humorous the number of times it has to be repeated in Scripture. The phrase so often heard is: ‘Do not be afraid.’ One would have to conclude that the reason for this command is that the audience was, in fact, afraid.  Jesus says it to his...
The promise of the seasons

The promise of the seasons

These days, at least in southeastern Virginia, nature has been putting on the annual color extravaganza with leaves flashing out from their varied shades of green into stunning reds, oranges, yellows, ochres, rusts, and burgundies. It never gets old, this glorious...
I Wouldn’t Change a Thing

I Wouldn’t Change a Thing

If I were to sit with a group of scientists enthusiastically engaged in (their) shop talk, I would feel completely like one lost in space. Similarly, should I have the occasion to have breakfast with a small group of medical professionals, their jargon and procedural...
The Road Back

The Road Back

The most prominent characteristic of our God is total, endless, irrepressible joy. He expressed that joy in all aspects of Creation, the capstone of which is mankind whom He created in His image, that image of total, endless, irrepressible joy. He placed Adam in Eden,...
His ways are not our ways

His ways are not our ways

Canadian art films were, once upon a time, notorious for ending mysteriously, with no resolution to the storyline. They left the viewer in disbelief that two hours had been ‘invested’ only to get stung with a non-ending, with the challenge of filling in the blanks,...