ALL Things Made New

ALL Things Made New

We are Pentecost-accosted, or ‘Pentecosted’ people. This is God’s Plan ‘A.’ The radical Kingdom makeover which was lovingly visited upon the disciples is also our new now. We are called/chosen/invited/anointed/commissioned (choose your preferred verb here) to live out...
Before Abraham, Jesus

Before Abraham, Jesus

Think of birth announcements you’ve received. They read something like this: Timothy and Mackenzie are pleased to announce the arrival of Zander Boris, weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz., at 19 ½ inches long. Or maybe this: Ethan and Mallory are thrilled that Morgann Esther showed...
What a Staggering Price!

What a Staggering Price!

Think about this! While we were wasting our lives in sin, God revealed his powerful love to us in a tangible display -the Anointed One died for us.’ That’s how the VOICE translates Romans 5:8. (the MESSAGE says ‘when we were of no use whatever to Him’). So, regardless...