An ending, or fresh beginning?

An ending, or fresh beginning?

I was the kid who loved the start of the school year. New everything – books, supplies, teachers, subjects (some of which were enjoyed while others were . . .) By high school, the sense of community with other students was a great shaping factor of my life. There was...
It’s only just begun!

It’s only just begun!

Christmas began yesterday, (the first of twelve days leading up to Epiphany on January 6). And did you notice? All but essential services were closed. Parking lots empty, roadways all but vacant. Even the clamoring chaos of the stock exchange – silent. Jesus’...
What’s it all about?

What’s it all about?

In today’s culture, two different Christmases are being celebrated. One has Jesus at the heart and as the heart of everything. The other consists of a mad and frustrated searching for that ever-elusive ‘heart.’ The first Christmas, sated with its ‘knowing,’...
The Presence as gift 

The Presence as gift 

Hope of all hopes, dream of our dreams, a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift. And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great. The power of leadership, and the weight of authority, will rest on his shoulders. His name?...
More than a Theme?

More than a Theme?

One technique used by musical composers is ‘variations on a theme,’ the theme being a short passage of several measures. They may work it into the bass line of the music or use it with different instrumentation for effect, then repeat it in a slower movement, this...