Disclaimer: I am not the planner in our household. I do not have a file folder with a series of five-year plans which I’ve plotted out over the years. If I had one folder so entitled, it would be empty. I am mostly the spontaneous, put-it-together-at-the-last-moment, slightly panic-stricken, hoping against hope that it works, kind of guy. Now, to the regimented, always happier to have a roadmap, types, I want to say, in my defense, that I have managed to cobble together some decent, non-disastrous, adventures over the years.
With that off my chest, let me say that I have, at last, found what I think is a Scripturally sound, workable for all personality types, five-year-plan (FYP). It’s when I read 2 Timothy 2:21, TPT, and find Paul saying:
“You are to be a pure container of Christ.”
I see, here, Point A of a within-the-range-of-possibility FYP. Then, my mind skips to two of Dallas Willard’s often repeated phrases:
“Jesus is Brilliant!” (Point B)
“Make Jesus famous.” (Point C)
Following that, for Point D, I am reminded of the Shorter Catechism which says:
“The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
To synthesize, and personalize, here’s how I can imagine setting in place an actual plan that could serve as a guide to keep me mindful from now through 2027. All aspects of day-to-day living would be shaped by these four governing points:
PD’s Five-Year-Plan – 2022-2027
Point A: PD, you are to be a pure container of Christ.
Point B: PD, recognize that Jesus is brilliant.
Point C: PD, make it your aim to make Jesus famous.
Point D: The chief of PD is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
You know what? I can picture this FYP simplifying my life, helping me avoid the many pitfalls out there, building up my faith like never before, and causing joy to erupt as God’s Word comes more alive, bears sweeter fruit, and invites you all to join me. So, my cherished, fellow journeyers to the Father’s heart, whadday’allthink? PD