Total Impossibility meets Irrefutable Reality
New life comes to us by way of invitation only. There is no application to fill out, no resume to tweak/put a spin on. The invitation is to Divinity-initiated adoption, to eternal living, to being a friend/disciple of Jesus, one who apprentices him-/herself to a wholehearted lifestyle of learning to think, act, speak, be, like Jesus. It also motivates the unlearning all thinking, acting, speaking, being that are not like him. For all followers of Jesus, though, there are obstacles to overcome, a new reality to absorb, a humility to gain, and hearts to re-educate. Most foundationally challenging of all, is coming to an acceptance of a ‘not of this world’ relational bond, an intimate, undivorceable connectness, a promise that ‘no matter what you do I’m with you and I’m for you.’ Add to that, the stunning realization that the One who knows us best chooses/champions/cheers us most. When we land firmly on that, we will be ‘a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep us out.’ (from Matthew 16:17, MSG)