The Good Work
Instantly, as Jesus opted to draw in his final breath, entirely new, spiritual lives were set in motion, stirring, stretching, waking from their imprisonment of sin and darkness. A Seed had died, birthing them. What these lives were destined to become was not fully revealed, but the Love calling out to them, a force divine, revolutionary, was unquenchable. The force went viral. It is viral. The force went global. It is global. It had such mastery over death it emptied graves, restoring life and breath to those long dead. Spiritually, its impact continues. It begins with a transaction, always in secret, hidden away, but then, with perfect timing, bursts out of dark, cold confines into the glorious light of a new day, simmering with vitality and joy. We are the forever grateful, liberated recipients of this Love, whose work is ongoing in us.