God has made our brains to receive, decode and process a jaw-dropping quantity of information, like sixty bits per second, whatever that is in layman’s terms, but today’s lightning-fast tech…
In one of his songs, Bill Gaither penned these words: “The One who knows me best, loves me most.” This phrase expresses a towering, intimate truth repeatedly borne out throughout…
Jesus instructed the wearied crowd before him to resist chaining themselves to the decadent ways of the foreign culture that had made great strides in eroding, criticizing and cancelling out the centuries-long, centuries-cherished, Jewish way of life. Persuasive, seductive new lifestyle choices were more and more the ‘in’ thing making the traditions of the Jews seem provincial, even ridiculous. The Greeks felt that maintaining allegiance to one God was silly, archaic, and severely limiting. For the Jews, holding on to truth, to tradition came at a higher and higher price and they were frustrated and angry and sad.
Without exception, Jesus lived out loud the new normal his coming had inaugurated. He spoke, prayed, taught, loved and invited rethinking in the most bizarre, never-before-experienced way. He turned heads,…