Disciples-In-Training: 2022 Version
Given the vast and gaping ‘in-Adam’ limitations of our fallenness, it wouldn’t be surprising that our response to God’s ways would be something like, “You’ve got to be kidding!” From our naïve and dimly lit perspective, we assume much and, as a result, are much aghast. God’s choosings, timings, methods, recruits, all are stunning upsets of our thinking. The least likely, the least qualified, the least trustworthy, the least honest, the least of the least: this is our viewing of God’s divine wisdom: a confirmation of the prophetic words in Isaiah 55: “My intentions are not always yours and I do not go about things as you do. My thoughts and my ways are above and beyond you, just as heaven is far from your reach here on earth.” And yet. And yet! Here we are, chosen, loved, adopted, Grace-gifted, Spirit-indwelt, commissioned – by that same divine wisdom of God!