As a non-DIY guy, it excites me to talk with someone who knows exactly what to do in any given project. When a seemingly straightforward task hits, what for me, is a shut-the-whole-thing-down glitch, and then hearing these wunderkinds ponder their way through (quickly, I might add) to a solution, well, I’m just in awe. Their brains are certainly wired differently from mine! From my pitiful manual perspective, things that don’t fit, or don’t work, or get stuck, or when there’s a missing step in a set of instructions (that I desperately need), there is no way forward, all is lost. Enter the mighty gifted one who barely misses a beat in wrangling that conundrum to the ground. Wow! What a confidence boost to have someone like that at your side! Had I had a close, practical minded friend over the years, many an abandoned (trashed) project would have been successfully completed to be used and enjoyed. And when I think of the time and money that could have been saved …
In much the same way, as warriors for the Kingdom of God, it is most reassuring to know that God is the ultimate problem solver and the quintessential Source for all things necessary for victory in the battles we will face. Just think! We are kindly forewarned that all of us will be confronted with tyrants, authorities, supernatural powers, slithering demon princes, wicked spiritual armies, evil days, flaming spears being flung at us! And that’s not mentioning the inner fight we will encounter between our false self (our old, sin-wracked, in Adam, nature) and our true self (our new, redeemed, in Christ, self). Enter God, with His enemy-overcoming strategy, His divine, equipping invitation to: know Truth, live in righteousness, boldly announce the Gospel of peace, live out loud the gift of our faith, lavishly celebrate our Eternal Salvation, be being continually washed in the Word, take all our fears and anxieties and questions and troubles and pains straight to the always-open, always-welcoming, Throne Room – in the sweetest, most demon-terrifying, demon-decimating, practice of them all – prayer, in the majestic name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace! Our Brother!
I’m so glad Jesus tells us we need to come to the Kingdom as little children; weak, unassuming, innocent, fully trusting children, nestled safely in the arms of our Heavenly Father, fast asleep, breathing in sync with His heartbeat, heads resting on His broad shoulders, hands clasped around his neck in total serenity. Ah! War? Oh, that’s right. God’s got this! zzzz. PD