Waiting Up Till all the Kids Come Home

Waiting Up Till all the Kids Come Home

It was an outrageous, humiliating request. The younger son of a wealthy farmer comes, flouting all respectful tradition, and petitions for his portion of the family estate now, rather than waiting after the death of his father. Chagrined, but motivated by tender love,...
First things first

First things first

When, for instance: you read your doctor’s medical report, you receive a legal document in the mail, you read your mechanic’s account of your vehicle’s status, your geek friend explains why that thing just happened to your computer, you get an urgent message from your...
Turn down the volume!

Turn down the volume!

I’ve noticed that all marketing, in whatever medium it’s found, shows beautiful people, excessively happy, and in impeccable surroundings. They may have discovered the latest and greatest tech device, have just installed a premium, west coast, closet organization...
Balloons? Streamers? Chocolate?

Balloons? Streamers? Chocolate?

Asking any sports fan about his/her favorite team, you would hear more stats than were of the thinnest interest, each player’s plays, their strengths, their scoring totals .  .  . But, do they know these athletes? They’ve likely never met, but there’s a...
When A Friend Listens

When A Friend Listens

What comes to mind when you hear someone say they’re a Spiritual Director? Some think of a Christian Counselor. Others recoil at the title, thinking of earlier experiences with the ‘Shepherding Movement’ that tarnished the church in the 20th century. For others, the...