A significant plus of living in a developed country is that we are literally surrounded by professionals who have trained in a specific field, who are capable of tackling a project in their field, sure of its satisfactory completion. Case in point: a few minutes from our house, there is a mystery afoot (mystery because no one has had the courtesy of telling me what they are doing). Once an empty field, it is now cleared and leveled, surrounded by orange construction fencing, and awaiting the next phase. Many heavy-duty machines have labored for weeks to get the site to this point. What will it become? I have no idea, but I am sure there is a small army of assorted professionals who, along with the project manager, are fully aware and have already contacted a photographer for the ribbon cutting ceremony. As for me, I’m just a curious onlooker, relegated to the ranks of those who must wait and see. sigh

Can’t you just picture God, the author of everything, looking at us with absolute, 100% confidence, knowing what our future holds, knowing our weaknesses, knowing our strengths, knowing all about our growing intimacy with Him, our surging joy at His presence?  He always knows but He also knows our limits and, out of loving concern, knows He must choose how much to tell us and how much to hold in reserve until the time is right. That’s what happened with Moses sharing God’s Law with the children of Israel. God knew it needed completing but that it had to begin with Step One of His Plan ‘A.’

Scripture says it was in the fullness of time Jesus came. It was time for Step Two of God’s two-step Plan. It wasn’t meant to be just laws to be obeyed in lockstep, but the introduction of a lifestyle that was so much more relational. It was the revelation of grace in Jesus that changed forever how God’s people would live, how we live today. We read Jesus’ words and quickly grasp the impossibility of living a Kingdom life without him, without his grace, without multiple forgivenesses, without the Holy Spirit’s moment by moment interventions. Well, maybe this truth is grasped little by little, slowly, ever so slowly – but surely. Yes! Surely, because He is faithful and kind and generous and patient . . . Looking forward to seeing all you fellow journeyers to the Father’s heart, learners all, tomorrow, 10 AM, 3 PM UK, 4 PM ES.  PD

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