Evidence shows that Americans are captivated by makeovers, especially extreme makeovers. Whether it be weight loss, plastic surgery, classic cars, derelict houses or neighborhoods, there’s something satisfying in seeing the improvement. Some want to see the step-by-step process, others simply the beginning and the result (Of course, we are too often ‘treated’ to the before and after of hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis and bombings. I can pass on these). It’s personally gratifying if the makeover is a successful DIY (at least, so I’ve heard). Standing back and taking in the fruit of one’s labors is rightful cause for celebration because behind the artfully finished project are the still vivid memories of scrapes and bruises, frustrations and setbacks, trials and tribulations involved along the way.

I wonder if each of God’s kids is like that, cause for Him to celebrate because each one is another of His successful DIYs. I can easily imagine our before and afters not always being smooth transitions, not always seamless. Each new birth process contains a ‘death and resurrection’ transformation with all the memories of pain and suffering included. And to think, this is His Plan ‘A’ with no Plan ‘B’ in sight! So, one at a time, He woos us to Himself, purifies us by the blood of His son, and adopts us into His Kingdom, not counting keeping count of the twists and turns needed to get us, finally and forever, home. Could it be that God dances a little jig each time?

For each of us, the new birth process is far-reaching and deeply intimate. God’s mighty power will work in us and accomplish this. It will achieve infinitely more than our greatest requests, our most unbelievable dreams, and exceed our wildest imaginations! He will outdo them all with his miraculous power that constantly energizes us (from Eph. 3). What is our next step after all this? What do we owe once we’ve been given such a transformation? Knowing all this is 100% Grace, rendering null and void all our efforts, all our works, what could we make as our goal, our new direction? Maybe the Apostle Paul’s new direction is a good one to ponder.

Looking forward to seeing all you sweetly remade ones tomorrow, 10 AM, 3 PM UK, 4 PM FR/ES.  PD

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