I’ll confess it’s probably as a septuagenarian that I make this observation, but I think our current dearth of handwritten notes is a telling sign of the disintegration occurring in our society largely as a result of the now ubiquitous, but mis-named phenomenon, ‘social’ media. This age-related whine of mine was prompted when, recently, our mailbox held two such welcomed and much appreciated, hand-written notes. But wouldn’t everyone enjoy finding a personal note in their mailbox from time to time? Whether a note to say hello, give an update, say thank you, maybe  extend an invitation? Wouldn’t that warm the cockles of your heart?

God, Who made us, knows how we tick. He knows our hearts need frequent reassurances that we are OK, that we are included, that we are loved, that we are wanted. And so, He made provision for all of that to be put into place. In His Word, we regularly bump into verses that do that very thing. And much of the reassurance comes from what Paul includes in his letters to the churches (Was Paul simply fulfilling his destiny in the doing?)

After a precious, and lengthy, period of instruction, Paul spent much of his life committed to composing missives to the churches he had planted, plus one major letter to the church at Rome. In those writings, he communicated his full-blown joy at the abundance of things God had prepared for those who love Him. Oh, the sweet secrets! Oh, the revelation! Oh, the outsized energy given to Paul to pass along what he had received!

Wouldn’t it have been cool to be in one of those fledgling assemblies of believers, and have a courier arrive in town with a word from Paul, this dear apostle whom they love? Can’t you imagine, as the word got out, the anticipation build-up for Sunday’s service, when it would be read aloud before the congregation? After the reading, can’t you imagine some childlike believer pleading, ‘Read it to us again!’? That second reading would have ‘moved the needle’ of morale from 0-60! No one would slink home defeated that day! There would be celebration and singing and dancing! The wine would be flowing! Maybe a similar reaction would be stirred from a mailbox occupied by a few encouragements and assurances of love in 2024. Just sayin’.  PD

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