We humans are absorbers. We absorb all kinds of things, toxic and non. We absorb everything that is in the air (allergy sufferers need no reminding). We absorb what we eat and drink. We absorb topical creams and ointments applied to our skin. We absorb data from what we see, hear, feel, taste. We absorb data from intuition and perception (with widely varying degrees of accuracy). I think there should be an app that allows us the freedom to block out the amount of toxic or otherwise unhealthy substances we take in simply by dialing up or down. That way, we could eat all the fast/junk food we want, without dealing with the negative consequences (as well as saving us from the many consequence-cancelling medications we currently absorb). But until then . . .
We humans are also Jesus absorbers with a ‘Jesus absorber’ factor that can be grown, like a muscle, with practice. For example, God’s love is beyond our understanding but by increasing our Jesus factor, through engaging in spiritual practices we know, we can enhance it. Jesus’ forgiveness and mercy and grace, too, can be better absorbed through prayer and worship and Scripture and fellowship. As our Jesus absorber factor is bulked up, we will see clearer and clearer who we’ve been made to be ‘in Jesus’ and we will increasingly ‘see’ the destiny that has been prepared for us before the foundation of the world. It might be said that the goal of a fully developed Jesus absorber factor is to be a clean conduit of all that he is to the waiting world around us. Or maybe it could be said this way, once our Jesus absorber factor has been maximized, we’ll be Jesus gossipers in all we say and do and responsive to every ounce of Holy Spirit leading. Oh, the places we’ll go!
As we all continue our journey to the Father’s heart, it’s truly precious to have one another alongside. Tomorrow is another opportunity for a ‘one another’ meet up. Hoping to see y’all there, 10 AM, 3 PM UK, 4 PM FR (ES?) PD